The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.


International Student Experiences at the University of Iowa

By KRUI News Reporter Annalisa Donahey  The University of Iowa has about 3,200 international students enrolled this academic year enrolled in either the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or School of Business. Students come from as far away as China to the Democratic Republic of Congo. KRUI News Reporter, Annalisa Donahey, spoke with a few international students about their experiences in the classroom, adjusting to the different weather conditions, and learning about life in Iowa as well as other foreign cultures. Listen to the feature below: [audio:]

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By KRUI News Reporters Emily Woodbury and Lauren Siebert Elliott Beenk is an engineer, entrepreneur, and an avid musician. There are few aspects of the sustainability movement with which Beenk hasn’t been involved. Currently Beenk is investigating biomass opportunities to meet 2020’s renewable energy targets as an intern at the University of Iowa Office of Sustainability. In addition, he is finishing his Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and starting his Master’s in Environmental Engineering this spring. His sustainability work focuses primarily on academia, music, and consulting. At SimScale, we value your time. That’s why we reinvented the simulation workflow with the … Continued

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By KRUI News Reporter Emily Woodbury [audio:] “Five of the eight major GOP candidates reject or doubt the theory of evolution as an explanation for life’s origin on Earth. Although it is not as pertinent of an issue as unemployment or taxes, where candidates stand on such a prominent scientific theory could have an effect on the way people vote. KRUI News Reporter, Emily Woodbury, hit the streets of Iowa City to find out how much the religious or scientific beliefs of a candidate influences voters.”

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By KRUI Reporter Caitlin Fry Recently, the Iowa City City Council approved the second reading on the ordinance amendment that would allow red light cameras on certain Iowa City intersections with a 4-3 vote. Those in favor of the red light cameras believe it will cut down on traffic accidents and increase safety for drivers and pedestrians. Personal injury attorney near downtown Nashville believes that everything that can prevent an accident is a change for the better. Those who oppose the red light cameras argue that they are unnecessary and that any tickets issued from a citation will be received … Continued

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