The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Illiterati Fest 3 Preview

Gabe’s in Iowa City hosts the third edition of Illiterati Fest, which will raise money for the local charity organization United Action For Youth. The event has six bands playing, all from a wide range of sound.

Frances Moore Lappé is the author of 18 books including the bestseller Diet for a Small Planet, which has sold three million copies. She is also the co-founder of three organizations, including Food First: The Institute for Food and Development Policy as well as, the Small Planet Institute (, a collaborative network for research and popular education seeking to bring democracy to life, which she leads alongside her daughter Anna Lappé. Lappé appears frequently as a public speaker and on radio, and is a regular contributor for the Huffington Post and Alternet.   [audio:] Lappé sat down with KRUI News Reporter, Caitlin Fry, to discuss her … Continued

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Vice President for Communications and Public Relations at United Nations Foundation, Aaron Sherinian, gave a speech at the University of Iowa’s United Nations Day Fair Oct. 26. His passionate speech included the goals of getting to the root of current  national and international issues. The United Nations Day Fair is a milestone for our nation as countries across the world not only celebrate the accomplishments and innovative hard work involved in solving important issues, but develop new solutions to current issues. A bipartisan poll concluded that 86% of Americans are convinced that in order to solve issues such as hunger, … Continued

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By Rana Moustafa [audio:] Last month, Mahmoud Abbas, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization and president of the Palestinian Authority, traveled to Washington D.C. to bid a proposal at the UN opening Assembly. Since then, he has kept his hopes high as he is determined to fulfill his obligation of giving his people their “legitimate right” to full UN membership and a viable Palestinian government. However, opposition to this bid does exist. Obama has vowed to veto the bid if it is passed by 9 out of the 15 UN councils. At the UN General Assembly last month, Obama … Continued

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