The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.

Monday March 25, the Miami Heat took on the Orlando Magic in a game that ended with final score of 108-94, Miami. This game marks the Heat’s 27th straight win and there’s no sign of them slowing down. The Heat are a team that either everyone loves to hate or has intense adoration for, there simply is no in between. Even though I am a part of the “Heat Hate” group I must give credit where it is due. From a facts and performance standpoint, opinions aside, there just is no other team in the NBA doing what Miami is. … Continued

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