The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Illiterati Fest 3 Preview

Gabe’s in Iowa City hosts the third edition of Illiterati Fest, which will raise money for the local charity organization United Action For Youth. The event has six bands playing, all from a wide range of sound.

522XX Tour Guide: Introduction

Hey all, I am a third-year English and Creative Writing major who is also pursuing a Media Entrepreneurialism certificate at the University of Iowa. This semester I’m going to be roaming around Iowa City in search of interesting coffee shops, restaurants, study spaces, liquor stores, and snack vendors. Hailing from Chicago (yes the ACTUAL city, not the suburbs), my standards will start high. Being a college student, my budget will be low. How might these conflicting factors resolve themselves? Over the next fifteen weeks, one young man’s mind, stomach, and wallet will be put to the test in order to answer … Continued

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