
KRUI Staff Favorite Albums of 2024

2024 has left us with countless albums to be enjoyed. Some of our staffers at KRUI picked which of these albums were their favorites or held the most beauty in their eyes.

KRUI Staff Favorite Songs of 2024

With the end of 2024, some of the KRUI staff made a playlist of their favorite songs released in the past year. Here are the tracks they picked along with why these songs were their favorite.


LGBT Youth in Iowa City

By KRUI News Reporter Michael Gerald “It gets better” – Helping Queer Youth Life for Trae Krum would most likely be considered normal given the traditional American narrative. The southern California native grew up in a religiously conservative household with her 3 sisters and mother and father, who affectionately referred to her as Tracy. Trae attended church, kept her hair long, wore dresses, showed cleavage, and dated boys. None of this, however, was normal for Trae. “Living in the closet is almost as painful as what happens after coming out.” Trae said. Her adolescence, a confusing and traumatic enough experience … Continued

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By KRUI contributing reporter Mike Mendenhall and KRUI News Director Betsy Penisten Betsy and Mike spoke with the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund Cecile Richards in a 2-part on-air phone interview about the interest of Planned Parenthood in the November presidential election. Cecile weighs in on the issues greatly affecting women and discusses science, fact and belief on the basis of conception. Planned Parenthood part 1 Planned Parenthood part 2

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By KRUI News Director Betsy Penisten News Director Betsy Penisten spoke with legendary American singer, songwriter and guitarist James Taylor in a two-part on-air phone interview about the importance of early voting. _James Taylor Interview 1   James Taylor Interview 2

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By staff writer Jen Hoch Local News Speeding and other drugs Two men were arrested in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and caught in possession of 52 grams o f marijuana as the result of a high speed chase. According to Johnson County criminal complaints, 19-yeard-old Patrick D. James Jr., and 21-year-old Bernard J. Butler II were speeding on Interstate 380, traveling 80 mph in a 70 mph zone before being caught with more than a 10th of a pound of marijuana. The men allegedly exited the Interstate onto the North Liberty exist and onto Penn Street before driving around 70 mph … Continued

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By staff writer Snovil Dong State News Bullying in schools under fire In order to stop bullying in schools, all Iowa middle schools and high schools have been invited to submit a video about what their school has done to prevent bullying. By using on social networking sites, citizens will be able to vote on their favorite video, and the winning school will get $500 for bullying prevention. The government officer who is in charge of this event also said parents have a responsibility to monitor their children at home to stop bullying both on and off campus. Local News … Continued

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By KRUI news reporter Betsy Penisten Johnson dismissed from football Sophomore running back for the Iowa Hawkeyes De’Andre Johnson has been dismissed from the team, Iowa football coach Kirk Ferentz said Wednesday. Johnson was suspended Sunday upon earning two tickets in the past week. Johnson played four games in 2011, rushing 18 times for 79 yards. According to reports Johnson received a ticket for eluding arrest after being ticketed for speeding on Saturday. Just two days earlier, Johnson was ticketed again after countless  noise complaints were reported to the Iowa City police. Johnson received a ticket for maintaining a disorderly … Continued

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By reporter Betsy Penisten Local news Closing day at Johnson County Fair Today is the last day of the Johnson County Fair. If you haven’t had a chance to make it out to the fair yet this week, tonight will be a great night to do so with evening temperatures dipping into the upper 60’s. With the significant lack of rain during the past two weeks fair organizers have been tossing around the idea of whether or not cancel the annual fireworks show as they believe it poses some threats. No word this morning on any cancellation yet. The fireworks … Continued

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By reporter Betsy Penisten Fair Queen Crowned The Johnson County Fair officially crowned its queen Monday.  Out of 8 contestants, 18-year-old Rebecca Haugland from Solon, was awarded the crown. Haugland was just a young 4-Her when she watched her first queen competition, she says, “Being in 4-H, I always watched the queen competition. So when I got that old, I knew I wanted to compete.” Monday’s competition marked Haugland’s third year taking part in the contest. The running for the crown includes undergoing a personal interview with the judges a week before the fair, then from that point, the judges … Continued

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