An open thank you note to Donald Drumpf/Drumpf
Refocus Roundup
Five standout films from Filmscene’s annual Refocus Film Festival, with this year’s theme focusing on adaptation.
On their sophomore album, indie pop duo Magdalena Bay manages to deliver an instant classic that showcases a progressive and genre-blending interpolation of pop music. This release cycle also featured a special performance at the University of Iowa.
Just because he says “beautiful” instead of “hot” doesn’t mean he knows not to police a woman’s body.
An open thank you note to Donald Drumpf/Drumpf
Kerby Jean-Raymond helps to decolonize our minds by erasing the separation between the politics of blackness and fashion.
#Oscarssowhite again? Seek out other movies and decolonize your mind through film!
Read about a person actively working to decolonize our minds through music: Esperanza Spalding.