Insights into Miyazaki’s Magnum Opus “Bloodborne”
A masterpiece of a game intricately crafted with gothic and cosmic inspirations, Bloodborne holds up well almost a decade later.
In terms of overall offense, weighted runs created plus, or wRC+ is a quality statistic to measure a player’s overall offensive performance. Now, a lot is to be explained with this formula, so I’d recommend reading this FanGraphs post for the best clarification. So, in this article, I will focus on the primary formula for wRC+, which goes as follows: wRC+ = (wRAA/PA + LgR/PA) + (LgR/PA – (Park Factor * LgR/PA))/(Frontier League wRC/PA excluding ptichers), where wRAA = weighted runs above average, PA = plate appearances, LgR/PA = the league average runs per plate appearance, Park Factor = the … Continued