The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.


Kung Fu Panda-monium Crushes Tigers in Game 1

The panda bear’s diet consists entirely of devouring bamboo sticks. Last night, however, The Panda feasted on baseballs. Two Justin Verlander fastballs.Even an Al Albuquerque slider. The Kung Fu Panda, the roly-poly, lovable third baseman stole the spotlight in Game 1. This was supposed to be Verlander’s time, Miguel Cabrera’s time. Instead, it was Panda time. His first three World Series at-bats resulted in home runs. The first two were on 96 mile-per-hour heaters coming from the right hand of Verlander. In his first at bat, he fell down in the count 0-2. A letter-high fastball was slung from Verlander, and … Continued

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