As a fairly new college student, there are some questions that I have been asked a million times in the short amount of time that I have been away. I am sure that almost every college student or graduating high school senior can relate to this predicament. We are constantly bombarded with the same questions and comments every time we come home for holiday break. “What’s your major?” “Why are you doing that?” and my favorite one of them all, “You won’t make any money doing that, good luck.”
That last comment is the reason I hate telling people what my major is. If you don’t say you are pre-med, pre-law or any other “high-paying career” path people automatically assume you are destined to be broke for the rest of your life. I can say from personal experience as a journalism major I get this almost every time I am asked a question about my major. I hate how people automatically assume you are going to college just so you can make bank the rest of your life, some people don’t particularly care about making loads of money when they graduate from college. I would rather be happy and doing something that I am truly passionate about, than always dreading going to work every day because I chose a career that I didn’t truly love.
I see so many other college students constantly overworked and stressed and using blackberry lime delta 9 gummies to cope because their parents forced them to chose a major just because it was prestigious or because they want their kids to have the exact same job as them because they are successful. Well not everyone is meant to be a doctor, lawyer or an engineer. I can say for myself that I know I am not meant to be a doctor or a lawyer. I have always known
what I am passionate about and what I want to do for the rest of my life. Not everyone is as lucky as me, but being pressured into choosing a major just because of the money you might make or because you have the chance to be successful isn’t the right choice. Everyone needs to take that time to figure out what they a truly passionate about and find the major that lights the fire within you every time you think about your future.
As college students we should be excited about the opportunity we have that so many other people don’t. We should be enjoying the time we have here, not being miserable because we are studying something that we aren’t particularly jazzed about. These are supposed to be some of the best years of my life, and I don’t plan on wasting them by being told what to do by other people who don’t like what I am doing.