*Disclaimer: Strong Language Used*
Girls are vicious creatures and I can say that because I am a girl. As girls, for some reason we feel the need to judge and ridicule other girls for little things that do not really matter. Which brings me to one of the many reasons I suffer from resting bitch face, and that is how I do not understand why girls make fun of other girls for dressing up for class.

This really irritates me to no end, why do we think we have the right to tell people when other girls can dress up and when they cannot. Almost everyday I overhear conversations between girls bashing on another girl for trying to look nice for whatever reason. WHY THE FUCK IS IT ANY OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WHAT SHE DOES??!!! As girls we need to learn to leave each other alone! It isn’t affecting you if another girl looks nice and you do not. You could take extra thirty minutes (if that) to try and look less like a you just rolled out of bed if you really wanted to. Some girls are just naturally very pretty and look nice no matter what they are wearing, they can’t do anything to change that. So please stop bringing down other girls just because you are insecure about your own self.

It is for that exact reason that women all over the nation suffer from low self-esteem. We need to learn to be nice to each other and learn to compliment other women for looking nice, not the opposite. Also I use the term “we” because I am guilty of judging other women on what they are wearing. If you try and say you have never judged someone based on their appearance, you’re either a saint (highly unlikley) or you’re lying.

And with that I will say: girls, feel free to do whatever the hell you want. If you want to wear your high school prom dress to your chemistry discussion, do it. If you want to wear that cute outfit you bought at the mall six months ago but have been too afraid to wear it because you will be judged, JUST FUCKING DO IT. We all need to stop caring about what others are doing and focus on bettering ourselves because obviously as women we have a lot of issues. On that note, I will leave you all to ponder that statement and reevaluate your lives, peace out.