The University of Iowa University of Iowa

UI Theatre: 2016 Season Preview

As we close in on the last few weeks of the semester, many things are coming to an end: classes, emotional control, that awkward friendship predicated on the need for you to understand something in that class, and – most importantly – the UI Theatre Department’s Fall/Winter Season. But fear not! Right around the corner is the Winter/Spring Season, promising fresh work and exciting concepts.

Cover of Lady From the Sea. Courtesy of
Cover of Lady From the Sea. Courtesy of


  • Food and Fadwa
    • Written by Lameece Issaq and Jacob Kader and directed by Marina Bergenstock, Food and Fadwa takes a look at the struggles faced by the Faranesh family in military-occupied Israel. Food and Fadwa opens Thursday, February 4th at 8 pm.
  • Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell that was Once her Heart (a rave fable)
    • Legendary myth and futuristic technology collide in this tale of sacrifice, power, and politics. Written by Caridad Svich and directed by Mario El Caponi Mendoza, Iphigenia begs the question of man’s true purpose. Iphigenia opens Thursday, March 3rd at 8 pm.
  • Lady From the Sea
    • Written by Henrik Ibsen, translated by Rolf Fjelde, and directed by Nina Morrison, UI Theatre’s production of Lady From the Sea provides a fresh and unique take on the 1888 Norwegian play. In this production, the genders of the all characters will be switched to provide a look at how women are imprisoned by patriarchal society. Lady From the Sea opens Friday, April 15th at 8 pm.


  • Danelaw
    • Information for Danelaw is not currently available. For up-to-date information, check its page on the UI Theatre website. Written by Guadalupe Flores, Danelaw opens Thursday, February 18th at 8 pm.
  • Baltimore
    • Baltimore is a part of the Big Ten Theatre Consortium, an initiative whose purpose is to provide diverse, age-appropriate roles for young women while also tackling relevant social issues. Written by Kirsten Greenidge, Baltimore follows resident adviser Shelby and the consequences following a racially-charged incident on her floor. Baltimore opens Thursday, March 24th at 8 pm.


  • Wendigo
    • Information for Wendigo is not currently available. For up-to-date information, check its page on the UI Theatre website. Written by Chris Matheson, Wendigo opens Friday, February 26th at 8 pm.

Also this semester are the Ten Minute Play Festival and the New Play Festival. Both festivals will feature new material written and directed by students in the Theatre Department. The Ten Minute Play Festival will take place from February 11th to February 14th and the New Play Festival will take place from May 2nd to May 7th. Productions will take place in the UI Theatre Building.

For information on tickets, showtimes, and further show information, check out the Theatre Arts Season page.