The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.

What the Lab Means to Us (And Should Mean to You)

As we all make our way through our lives, blindly groping for meaning and purpose amidst a confusing world, harsh, unjust, full of arbitrariness and randomness, struggling and yearning and fighting to win even a sliver of relief or a modicum of dignity, we are, to a man (and woman), left with only one truth, one intrinsic reality, one universal condition: life fucking sucks sometimes.

Moreover, life fucking sucks a lot of the time.  Seldom will things go the way you want to, and even if you get on a roll, good luck following you like a brainless and doe-eyed Weiner dog for years and years- ultimately you will die: death is the great leveler of odds and wrecker of point spreads.

And the worse part is that we’ve got it pretty good.  The only way to feel worse about yourself about feeling bad for yourself is to remember that your petty, privileged, ‘first-world’ problems are so petty, privileged, and ‘first-world’ as to be non-existent in the Grand Scale of Bullshit.  When you think about the amount of unmitigated suffering in the world, lives that begin in misery and end in agony, it puts your aforementioned cosmic malaise into perspective- and makes you feel like an asshole.  There’s just no relief!

But there is!  For here is The Lab: modern, hip, a safe haven for expression, for experimentation, for open and honest artistic endeavor.  For as long as you care to imbibe in its splendor, an hour, three, several, our beautiful Lab is here, blasting its braggadocio and earnestness for any who care to reap its benefits.  And benefits there are a-plenty; if you just dig on the vibes we give.

And so we, the DJs, enthusiasts, and creative entities of the Lab pledge thus:  we will not be bound by stupid fashions or expectations but those which we set for ourselves; we will not settle for anything that yields to destructive negativity; we will always strive to do what has not been done, with the goal of fostering an atmosphere and sound that is groovy and personal.  We are the alternative to The Alternative.

And failing all that, we’ll at least have some fun.  Or just make random noises for an hour.

This guy knows what we’re talking about.

Floreat Lab!