Insights into Miyazaki’s Magnum Opus “Bloodborne”
A masterpiece of a game intricately crafted with gothic and cosmic inspirations, Bloodborne holds up well almost a decade later.
By Gabrielle Pawlikowski Say what you want about the Heartless Bastards, but don’t deny Erika Wennerstrom’s vocal talent. As the only consistent member in the band’s ever-changing lineup, Erika’s masterful singing never fails to enrapture. And don’t let the name of the band fool you – these bastards are in fact full of heart. The band’s fourth release, Arrow, is firmly rooted in southern blues rock – gritty yet sentimental. Also their debut from Partisan Records, the album falls short lyrically. But its stripped- down instrumentation showcases Erika’s voice, and that’s enough to guide any music fan through the ten … Continued