The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.

Welcome to Lonely Cloud FM, where the vibrant dance floors of London, Paris, and New York meet Iowa City’s frigid winter. Perfect for writing, caucusing, or cruising around Los Santos. Hosted by Glenn Houlihan. 

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Iowa cities number one spot for throwback hip hop and RnB from the ‘80s to the ‘00s with maybe occasional modern music if it fits the vibe. Hosted by Phillip.

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Slackademic is filled with eclectic musicians, various subgenres, and forgotten tracks. These range from classical to indie rock, along with local and international artists. Expect earworms each week! Hosted by Nick Layeux.  

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What will you hear on the show this week? No clue, other than it will be music I love. Each week is a guided tour through another slice of my record collection. Recent shows have featured an immense plethora of genres and musicians. Hosted by Jim Weston.  Email me with requests, thoughts, and comments at: 

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Obsession on air. Where two insufferable twinks act like people give a fuck about their pretentious music obsessions. New themes every week. Deep cuts, classics, and whatever’s popping. Tune in to obsess. Hosted by Eli and Hunter.  

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The Korean pop industry is vastly growing. As it gains attention in the west, it’s becoming a global form of pop. This show can help teach the differences between kpop and western pop, while also introducing kpop as a rapidly growing genre of music. Hosted by Izzy.

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