The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Pokey’s Fest 2 Preview

Pokey’s Fest 2 takes place in Iowa City this weekend from June 7th to June 8th. The DIY punk music festival features many Iowa City bands, along with performers from elsewhere in the Midwest, and a welcoming communal vibe.

NOW ACCEPTING: All Staff Application (2021)

Interested in joining KRUI? Email the department directors to find out which of KRUI’s 11 departments you would be interested in joining. Learn more about what your role at KRUI could be below!

About KRUI’s Departments

KRUI contains nine department staffs, each specializing in an essential area of the station. No previous experience is necessary, and appropriate training will be provided for all staffs. The departments include:

On-Air Staff:
Hosts and produces weekly shows, either talk-based or music-based.  All on-air DJs must complete DJ Training to host their own show.

Music Department:
Responsible for reviewing new CDs, interviewing bands, and other music related projects. Enjoyment of music is the only prerequisite.

KRUI.FM Online Content Department:
Responsible for generating online content for KRUI.FM, whether it be writing, audio, video, or photography.

Marketing/PR Department:
Responsible for the image of KRUI and how the public views the station as a whole. Creativity, passion, and perseverance are key assets in this field.

Sports Department:
Covers both UI athletics and national sports. The Sports Staff also creates weekly sports talk shows.

News Department:
Charged with daily newscasts and coverage of news occurring on a UI, local, and national/international basis. Ideal experience for anyone interested in on-air news broadcast and/or journalism.

Underwriting Department:
Creates and fosters underwriting relationships with local businesses.

Production Department:
Produces spots dealing with community affairs and events. Creates production pieces for all departments. Great experience in using audio production equipment. Training provided.

Operations Department:
Responsible for the technical aspects of KRUI. Maintains KRUI’s technical requirements for the FCC. Responsible for repairing equipment (computers, sound equipment, broadcasting transmitter/equipment).

IT Department:
Responsible for maintaining the website, and additionally responsible for adding and creating online content with the help of other departments. Other responsibilities include maintenance of KRUI’s online streams, servers, and all related software used throughout the station. Works closely with the Operations department.