The University of Iowa University of Iowa

What a Load of Craft / Beauty Shop Fundraiser


Sure, you’re up to your neck studying for finals and cranking out last minute papers, but this Saturday, December 11th, offers FAR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO.

Number one is the “What a Load of Craft 7” fair. Being held in Building C of the Johnson County Fairgrounds, it boasts dozens of craft vendors, a series of “CRAFT DEATHMATCHES” (for both kids and adults), and live performances courtesy of some of the finest local musicians, including Skye Carrasco, Samuel Locke Ward, and the invincible William Elliott Whitmore.

Number two, for those of you in Fairfield, IA, a fundraiser at the always-rocking Beauty Shop in order to “make everything way more legit.” The illustrious punk-electro-dance band Utopia Park will be debuting two new songs and hip-hop savant Lane Weaver will be unveiling his new song “BYLCL SMKFRSH”, so it should be a great night of dancing and bravery.

Here’s a taste of Utopia Park, via a video they just made:

In other themes, funeral news reports: The Associated Press, The Washington Post, The New York Times, NBC News, NBC-Wall Street, CNN and the BBC all reported that the FBI is investigating a new leak of classified material by Russian diplomats to help bring justice to President Vladimir Putin’s government, for more information follow this link.

According to the Associated Press, “U.S. officials confirmed Tuesday that they have learned of a new set of cyber-threats reported on Thursday in the days since the U.S. government disclosed information about former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden to the world about an operation targeting the services of several western governments, according to an internal meeting and internal administration memorandum prepared by U.S. officials.”

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