The University of Iowa University of Iowa

Track of the Week: “Pontoon” by Emma-Louise

This week’s track “Pontoon”, is by Brisbane native Emma-Louise.

Beat Magazine describes her, “There’s a certain kind of female that occupies a space in which she’s perpetually young and girlish but also wise and worldly. . .This ethereal mix of capability/vulnerability resides in Emma Louise…”. 

“Pontoon” is the 4th single from the Brisbane beauty’s debut album, ‘vs Head vs Heart’ . The track is 4 minutes and 45 seconds of transcendent, airy polyphonic beats. The overlapping words and melodies make way for a tranquil, and meditative song. “Pontoon” is definitely a track worthy of your time.

Check out the music video below:

Her new album ‘vs Head vs Heart’ is out now . Buy it on iTunes here.