KRUI Radio

Reasons for the Resting Bitch Face: 10 Things That Drive Me Crazy

Disclaimer: Article contains content that may be offensive or unsuitable for minors. 

This week’s resting bitch face will be pretty self-explanatory. I have been brain-storming and really thinking about the top ten things that really piss me off more than anything. This was actually a very hard task for me because so many things grind my gears to no end, but here is what I came up with.

1.) When people chew with their mouths open

I do not understand why this is still even a thing. Why is it so hard for a grown-ass adult to chew with their mouth closed? Like seriously, if you are over the age of seven please close your damn mouth, I beg you. There is nothing worse than when you are on a date or just out for a meal with your friends and someone with is across from you just chomping away.


2.) When people eat my food

There is honestly nothing more irritating that when someone eats my food without asking. While living in the dorms this past year I have had to deal with this almost every day. My roommate takes my food all the time and I’ve told her multiple times that if she wants some just to ask, but she never does. If someone else buys groceries with their own money DON’T TAKE IT WITHOUT ASKING THEM!! It’s so simple people!!

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3.) When guys just can’t take a hint

Men are some of the most persistent creatures out there, but there are some times when they need to learn to take a hint. I cannot tell you how many times that I have been out with friends and a guy comes up to talk to me and I am not interested at all, yet they still keep talking to me. I know what you’re thinking, “Wow, how does this chick really see this as a problem? She must be a big ole b$*ch”. Well, I will tell you that this isn’t always a problem but when I am avidly acting disinterested in a guy’s attention and he doesn’t see that then it gets a little annoying. Like when a guy keeps texting you repeatedly even though you have not replied the first twenty times. I’m sure I am not the only girl out there that has experienced this.

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4.) When people try to talk to me while I have headphones in

This I know all of you can relate to. There are just those days when you want nothing to do with other people so you look for your trusty headphones to be your barrier between you and the outside world. Still, there is always that one overly happy and oblivious person that does not notice that you literally cannot today and they try to tell you all about some “crazy” thing that happened to them the other day or how their second cousin, twice removed has a pet rat that has a third ear. You get the point. If I have headphones in, that should scream to anyone that may want to talk to me, “Please don’t unless you want hell to be released upon you, Thank you”.

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5.) Losing or ruining one of my favorite pieces of clothing

First, let’s take a moment of silence for all the articles of clothing that have been long forgotten in the booth of a restaurant or that favorite dress you had that someone spilt a cranberry vodka on at the scummy freshman bar in college. Okay, now that that’s over, back to reality. Everyone has lost something that was important to them at some point in their lives. We are forgetful beings, me especially. I cannot begin to tell you how many vital pieces of my wardrobe that I have so carelessly spilled on or lost forever. This year alone I have lost my favorite scarf, ripped a hole in over three pairs of leggings and spilled a drink all over my white converse. It is a travesty.

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6.) Slow walkers

I understand everyone moves at their own pace in life, but when I am running late to class or wherever, I do not appreciate when other people walk at such a leisurely speed. It is even worse when it is a whole group of people that block the entire hallway or sidewalk so that you can’t even get through. It is common courtesy to not take up the entire sidewalk so with the hell are you taking up the whole space!?! If you are walking slowly, taking your sweet ass time and you see someone trying to pass you then let them through please, it will make your life a whole lot easier.

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7.) Being interrupted

There is a special place in hell from those that interrupt others. This has to be one of my biggest pet peeves because there is no worse feeling than when you are really excited to tell someone about something and they won’t even let you get a word in. Anytime I get interrupted I am tempted to scream at the top of my lungs, “IT IS NOT YOUR TURN! WAIT FIVE FREAKING SECONDS THEN YOU MAY SPEAK!” Even though we are all guilty of interrupting someone at some point in our lives (mainly when we are young children), by the time you are an adult you should know that it is extremely rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking.

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8.) People that hate dogs

This is one that I will never understand but whenever I hear someone say that they hate dogs it makes me so mad. Dogs are the one type of animal on earth that will love you to no end even if you are a complete asshole to them. I understand if you have ever been attacked by a dog or something like that but if you just don’t like dogs because they are “messy” or “hyper” then I don’t like you.

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9.) Spilling my coffee

This is one of the absolutely worst things that can happen to someone. I die a little bit inside every time.

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10.) When people bash on others music tastes

This is just all around irritating because obviously everyone has different tastes. You like classical, cool. You jam out to gangster rap on the daily, neat. You ride around on your tractor listening to country, stop, just kidding but not really.

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These are just the top ten things that piss me off, but as you know, there are many more reasons why I suffer from resting bitch face :)

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