KRUI Radio

Track of the Week: “St Clarity” By The Paper Kites

This week’s track is titled “St Clarity” by indie-folk group, The Paper Kites.

“St. Clarity” is off their debut album States, out September 30th.Oddly enough, just like last week’s TOTW artist Emma-Louise, the 5-piece group hails from Australia, (Melbourne, in their case). The track starts with an intro played by a banjo, but then soothes you with it’s melodies throughout. Frontman Sam Bentley, is quoted describing the song, “At its heart, the song is about the beauty of finding clarity in a situation, . . .Seeing things from a perspective that’s clear – from an angle you haven’t seen before.”

Check out the stunning music video directed by Natasha Pincus below, and pre-order States on iTunes here.

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