KRUI Radio

In-studio: Tim Fite

Tim Fite is a little hard to define musically, but the man has a heart of gold and an imagination the size of Wyoming. Tim plays a perplexing blend of hip hop/indie rock/pop that lays down gritty but often fun social commentary. About twenty local high school students from Iowa City’s own West High came into the studio to watch Tim lay down some vocals over his pre-recorded beats on three separate tracks, each one intricate and hilarious. Tim’s KRUI studio performance is definitely one of the most unique and excellent in-studio’s that KRUI has ever come across. Tim brought down the house at the Mill last Thursday with his home-made movies, fan interaction, and overall stellar performance. You can also download several of Tim’s albums for free at his website by clicking here. If you haven’t checked out Tim Fite now is certainly the time. KRUI’s own Drew Ingersoll is the maestro behind this zany interview with avant-garde rapper/musician Tim Fite.


Tim Fite Interview/Performance (11/4/10)

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